ديستوبيا عربي - الموسم الثالث - الحلقة 4 | لجوء

أضيف بتاريخ 07/24/2020
Syria Stream

اللجوء والهجرة والنفي قضايا قديمة جداً، والبشرية منذ آلاف السنين، ألّفت الملاحم والأساطير عن صعوبة المنفى و بلاد اللجوء.

مراجع الحلقة :
1. Chatty, D. (2010). Displacement and dispossession in the modern Middle East . Cambridge University Press.
2. Fernández, E., Pérez-Pérez, A., Gamba, C., Prats, E., Cuesta, P., Anfruns, J., ... & Turbón, D. (2014). Ancient DNA analysis of 8000 BC near eastern farmers supports an early neolithic pioneer maritime colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands. PLoS Genet, 10(6), e1004401.
3. Chatty, D. (2018). Syria: The making and unmaking of a refuge state. Oxford University Press.
4. Bhabha, H. K. (Ed.). (2013). Nation and narration. Routledge.
5. Eriksen, T. H. (2002). Ethnicity and nationalism: Anthropological perspectives. Pluto press.
6. Zolberg, A. R. (1983). The formation of new states as a refugee-generating process. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 467(1), 24-38.
7. Gellner, E. (2008). Nations and nationalism. Cornell University Press.
8. McCarthy, J. (1995). Death and exile: the ethnic cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922. Darwin Press, Incorporated.
9. Hein, J. (1993). Refugees, immigrants, and the state. Annual Review of Sociology, 19(1), 43-59.
10. Hobsbawm, E. J. (2018). The end of empires. In After empire (pp. 12-16). Routledge.
11. Kibreab, G. (1999). Revisiting the debate on people, place, identity and displacement. J. Refugee Stud., 12, 384.
12. Shami, S. K. (1984). Ethnicity and Leadership: The Circassians in Jordan.
13. Shami, S. (1995). Disjuncture in ethnicity: Negotiating Circassian identity in Jordan, Turkey and the Caucasus. New Perspectives on Turkey, 12, 79-95.
14. Soguk, N. (1999). States and strangers: Refugees and displacements of statecraft (Vol. 11). U of Minnesota Press.
15. Tsokalidou, R. (2002, October). Greek-speaking enclaves in Lebanon and Syria. In Bilingual socialization and Bilingual language acquisition. Proceedings from the Second Symposiom Conference on Bilingualism. University of Vigo (Vigo, Galicia-Spain (pp. 1245-1255).
16. نجم، سائد، التغاريبة الفلسطينية، اللجوء المستمر إلى الذاكرة، العربي الجديد ١٤ مايو ٢٠٢٠
1. نسيج وطن: أن تكون أديغا، الجزيرة الوثائقية، انتاج ٢٠١٢
2. أحفاد كريت، الجزيرة الوثائقية، انتاج ٢٠١٧

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